Monday, February 2, 2009

Heroes..... Spoilers included.

 So I remember watching this show and starting from the first season, I found it AWESOME!!! The characters were cool and their abilities. They had non superhero friends that were cool too. The plot seemed cool and same with the development. 
 I went on to the second season. We thought the bad guy Sylar was dead, and same with the main heroes Peter and Nathan. Nope, they all were really alive by a stretch. Okay, I can handle it, but just this time. There is no actual "bad guy." Characters devlop, kinda, and new people are introduced. The heroes abilities become stronger.
 Season three. Heroes: Villains. Catchy name, right? It started out interesting, kinda. Sylar turns good, and he ends up being Peter and Nathan's brother? The Petrelli father alive? Oh, he's the bad guy? Mohinder got powers? Peter lost his? Formula to give people powers? Nikki dead but has a twin/triplet? Wow, how convenient. Wait, in the end, Sylar becomes the main "bad guy" again by killing the Petrelli father? Oh, and he's not really Peter and Nathan's brother? Peter gets his powers back? Ando gets powers and Hiro loses his? 
 Okay, who wrote this. I was a HUGE Heroes fan. What happened to the plot. Part three was a gigantic loop. Not much changed. Just Ando and Mohinder getting powers and a cool new Hero named "Daphne." Now the new season just started and they are all kidnapped and put on a plane that crashes in the middle of who knows where? Wait, am I watching LOST???!!!!
 I'm going to keep watching it, just to see if it gets better, but seriously, who did this? Oh, and please don't even ask me about Smallville...

1 comment:

  1. so i don't really get all of it. but i definitely get the main point...the shows you watch are going down hill, and quick! haha. ill show what shows to watch that never let you down :)
